Some small maintenance and changes, as well as new plushies for you all to gaze at!!!
Adjusted the stats you can view on the Plushies page!
To that point, my insane spreadsheet documenting all those stats is available for you to look at if you are so inclined. It's just a big chart with some PivotTables counting up the regions, brands, acquisition. Nerd shit!
Fixed some spacing issues on Links with the help of my friend Chaos Goat!
Added a Double Chocolate Nut Cookie recipe to my Recipe page! Yes the only picture I have of these cookies is my friend's Ciel Phantomhive plush looking them over.
I also added alt-text to all the pictures on that page, which I somehow missed.
Added a handful of new links to my Links page as well :)
If anyone has their pokemon teams linked on their pages I'd love to see it. I can't figure out what I wanna do with my old team pages. The old layout feels so BORING...
Do any other collectors sometimes get like. imposters syndrome. like i feel like im a fake pokemon fan because i dont have one constant favorite, or because I don't know a bunch of stuff about competitive scene, or because I don't do a lot of the more tedious shiny hunting strategies....
I've finished most of the pages that existed previously!!!! Now I just am missing my team pages (they should link to my new fancy custom 404 page but. Well. Who knows.) and some shrines.
I pinky promise I have archived my old layout fully. It should be on internet archive, too? Basically, I like to preserve stuff. But I have had that thing for the past 4 years and I am a very different person now than I was at 16! So I'm excited about this new design I have going on.
Those of you on mobile may notice the background is a bit obnoxious and that is because I designed this website with a specific color palette in mind, which I used as a gradient background on desktop, but fixed positioning doesn't work on mobile devices. So you all get this thing for the time being. Sorry :(
I'm just glad to be done the redesign, now I can start to actually work on web stuff I've wanted to do for a while. Redoing my Kuroshitsuji and Project Sekai shrines, some blogposts I've been wanting to write, perhaps background music??? I've had that idea for years now but I never got around to it. Maybe I'll try again?
If anything seems particularly broken, please let me know! I have my footer set to contact info now, so it's easy to find!!
I am mostly done with all my shrine pages, EXCEPT FOR the project sekai one. I've commented out the link for now because it's giving me a headache and I don't have the energy to fix that nightmare today..
Thanks to my dear pal Aster and xer incredible help troubleshooting and helping me with the horrors of grid, I have ALL OF MY ABOUT ME PAGES (except for project sekai) FUNCTIONING FULLY!!! yaaaaay go check out aster's site its soooo fucking cool. Definitely a Journey of a website.
NOW. What to do before i push this shit live and these words become seen by numerous people?
SITEMAP. I NEED need need to update the sitemap. THAT is going to be a whole night activity. I will need to buckle down and do that.
Team pages!! I wanna do something different with them. Thought about mocking up summary pages from each respective game, but that's a LOT to do and. Well. I don't have that energy rn. Maybe another time!! But I'm thinking of different fun things i can do with those pages in the meantime.
The credits page!! wahoo yippee. That shouldn't be too hard. They're mostly the same.
Troubleshooting my flashing lights warning. Maybe getting rid of it??
I wanna join more webrings BUT I don't think I can do that until I push this live. Planning on the Doodlering and the WiiRing. Both are super cute and have fun widgets and I. like them. :)
I NEED to fix the links in my blog page. And update those. Oops.
That's all for now I think! My summer's almost over (wow is it already late July???!??) and I wanna get this out before August 11th.... I hope you're reading this before then!!
Writing another update post into the void for now to track my progress and remind myself of what needs doing!
I'm finished the Links page, I think!! I still need to MAJORLY update the sitemap but that's a problem for another time.
The Pokemon Plush Gallery is fully functional, and I think I'm going to not bother with the non-plush collection side of things. It's too much of a hassle to update, and I'm not as passionate about it. Felt less like fun categorizing and more like an obligation. So that's that! I'll probably repurpose the games page or something.
I still need to update the regional teams info, those links are broken for the time being. I also have... man. I have a lot of plushies to photograph actually. I STILL haven't put my Graduation Pikachu from when I graduated high school on here. It's been over two years. Plus there's 3 Fuecoco plushies, and a new Deerling and Fidough! But I can't do any of that til I'm back at home because I'm lacking the blanket I use as a backdrop.
Once I fix the team pages and update my sitemap and credits page, as well as troubleshooting my flashing lights warning (which is less needed now, but still good to have) I think I can push this live... I just don't want any dead-end links. I'm missing a handful of pages, but the skeletons for them aren't up yet. I need to link my recipe, now, and graphic hoard pages somewhere. I also have to troubleshoot all my shrine pages.
maybe there's still more to do than i thought..
Hello and welcome to Trans Rats 2.0! You, dear reader, probably won't see this message for a while. So hello from July 4th!
I'm redoing a lot of my organization in the file side of things, so I just got rid of the old update page, due to the insane amount of linking I do on here. Well- I didn't get rid of it. I saved it, as I did with the entirety of Trans Rats 1.0. I'm sentimental and there is NO way I am going to lose the last 4 years of my life like that! But, for the user side of things, you just get this fancy new updates page (which has the exact same layout as the previous one). Wow!
Listing the things that I've updated would take too long, so I'll use this post to make a note of the things I still have to do. Hopefully when you read this in the future, a lot of it will be done! Wow!
Get all the shrine page links functioning
Find somewhere to link /now and /recipes
Get all the collection links working
Convert old gallery pages to CSSGrid
Add buttons + links for non-plush pages
Double- and Triple-Check functionality of team name pages before pushing this shit live
And that's just the stuff I've started... I haven't even started figuring out the /links and /credits pages as of writing this. Credits shouldn't be hard, it's just a list. But I did some really fucky CSS stuff on my links page that I would like to keep but also clean up.
Also considering making a separate page for my blinkies and 88x31 buttons that don't link to anything.
Well, that's all for now. Back on the grind! This post is mostly just here to make sure my layout functions. ♥jay