trans rats!

Website Updates!


  • Because I'm no longer working 12 hour days i feel like a human being again and wrote about my experience doing that over here, give it a read if you're curious what I've been up to!
  • As always, I updated my Now page!
  • Updated the Toontown Rewritten page!
  • Changed the picture in the About me page yet again... I don't know why I'm being so fussy with it.
  • Trying to work on some new pencil drawings to use as site graphics because I really love that look but I haven't had time to finalize anything or take+edit pictures. Just know it's coming. Be ready, or something.
  • Gotta update my Project Sekai page because I have been playing a little bit and that information is really out of date but it's late now so this is just a note for later.
  • Speaking of notes for later; I gotta remove some dead links from my links page and add some new ones. I think I also have TWO unstyled webring links??? unacceptable. Gotta get around to that but haven't had the energy to fuck around with CSS.
  • Been contemplating a new website layout/style. Have a few ideas, probably won't make any significant changes for a while, just wanna throw it out there...

That's all for now!! Take care of yourself okay?? ♥Jay

Guess who thats right its me (Jay)

  • Updated my Now page!
  • Made a new picture for my About Me page!! I wasn't vibing with the digital drawing unfortunately...
  • Updated my Toontown Rewritten page because I've been playing a lot of that lately! Added pictures of my Doodles (the game's pets), updated my stats, added a little aside explaining what the game is, and fixed some semantics issues.
  • Finally updated my Blog page to have accurate timestamps. Sorry, my MIDI and DDR journals are pretty much indefinitely on hold. Honestly might move them..?

That's all for now!! back to playing toontown :)


Update (FROM THE TRAIN!!!)

  • Made a new blog post about traveling to Chicago via train; I've never been on my own before, and I've never been in another timezone than good ol' EST, so this is really exciting for me :)
  • Added items (without pictures) to my Home Goods, Fun Stuff, and Keychains pages. Formatting may be a little silly in the interim. I swear I have every intention of photographing stuff but I just keep putting it off.
  • This was a while ago but it looks like I might have forgotten to note it here? I scrapped my old Games page and just replaced it with quick reviews of each Pokemon game I own. A lot more sustainable and easy to upkeep now!
  • As always, updated the Now page!
  • I plan to add a proper RSS feed to this page soon; my friend yequari at has updated his RSS feed generator to support insane pages like this one, with multiple articles per page. I can't very well do that while on the train with no goddamn wifi though.

That's all, take care of yourselves and each other. Election season's coming up.


webbed site

That's all, take care! ♥Jay

i love my friends soooooooooo much

  • FINALLY updated my RSS feed to be ACTUALLY ACCESSIBLE, PROPERLY FORMATTED, AND LESS OF AN OVERALL TRAINWRECK. shoutout to my dear pal yequari at who made this really sick RSS generator that I'm using.....
  • USING THAT SAME PROGRAM I AM ABLE TO FINALLY MAKE AN RSS FEED FOR THIS PAGE!!! you can find it uhhh. above this post! Click the funny orange button:) EDIT: nvm lmao it doesnt work. gonna. figure this out at some poiiiint.
  • Having to go through my blog posts to add the datetime attribute to everything means that while I was at it it was easy to fix the remaining semantics issues. That means that the much-beloved (lmao) inaccessible.txt that I've been trying to maintain has also been updated! Can you believe I'm only at 3 more pages that I gotta fix!
  • Linked my Valentines' Day Page on my overall larger writing page at last. Now you can all watch in shock and horror as I gush about how much I love my partner!
  • Updated my Now Page again~!
  • Added the DSRing to my Links page!


Happy Valentines' Day!

  • Put up a page about how much I love my partner to celebrate Valentines' Day :)
  • I also made a Code Valentine for the 32-Bit Cafe Valentines' Day Event coming up! Check that website soon to see my entry on there!!
  • Updated my Now page again!
  • Still have yet to photograph my Fuecoco plushies for that page, but I promise I'll get around to it! I've just been so busy.... or something.

everyone say hi to my mom :) ♥Jay


  • Updated my Project Sekai page to include my latest cards and stats and such. I did not in fact get the previous card I was saving for, despite having over 40k gems by the time it came around. Alas.
  • Added a link to a chicken recipe I've been using to the Recipes page; no on-site recipe for it yet, because I forgot to take a picture.
  • Removed the floating boxes from the Hatsune Miku page because they were more trouble than they're worth. Also changed some songs around on there!
  • Removed some dead links sitting on my Links page.
  • Also added some not-dead links to the 88x31 button wall!

I'm not gonna lie gamers. I thought being jobless would open up free time for me to do things. But I'm just sleeping a lot lmao.

Nothing new and exciting is really happening over here in Jay-Land. Everything's sort of on the backburner for a few months, before things pick up in March.

I hope you're all doing well!!


Another webbed site change log

  • FINALLY got around to updating the Shiny page.
  • Added placeholder stuff on my Paldea plushdex page for whenever I get around to photographing Fuecoco...
  • Added a new webring to the bottom of my Links page!
  • Updated the Now page
  • This was done a while ago but I forgot to tell the three of you reading this, I've finally made the Rats Page not such a fucking nightmare!
I've been really busy with jobhunting and school so I haven't been working on this site as much as I'd like to, but I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things soon... Semantics aren't quite done yet but we're getting there!! ♥Jay


  • Obligatory "I swear I'm almost finished updating semantics"
  • Need to add some new guys to the Paldean plushdex!
  • Desperately need to update my shiny page!
  • STILL have to update the Games, Figures, Cards, and Misc pages.
  • I'm working on using Bearblog to work my main "good writing" blog; unsure if I'll commit to it or not, but I figured if it works it'll be a lot more efficient.


  • Continued updating semantics, have made it about halfway through the pages with /click/ in the URL and finished all the others!
  • Added The Mad Gear and Missile Kid EP to my My Chemical Romance page, and fixed some formatting errors.
  • Updated the Hatsune Miku page to get rid of the really annoying floating windows + added new songs.
  • Added a new team to the Paldea page; my DLC mostly-shiny team!
  • Updated the team on my Kalos page to have the Pokemon I actually beat the league with.
  • Fixed some weird formatting errors on the Black Butler page. That thing's due for a rehaul at some point.
  • Updated the Now page.


  • Almost done with fixing the bulk of semantics issues! If you notice anything super glaring please let me know!
  • I have a short list of pages that are currently a living nightmare to try and make more accessible, or are completely unused now, which can be found here.
  • Still have to update the Games, Figures, Cards, and Misc pages.
  • Need to cut up and edit some photos to add to my Outfits page. It's pretty outdated, and I also want to get rid of some especially old photos.

Wow I get why game companies and such do their changelog in a convenient bulleted list now! That's way easier to keep track of than whatever the hell I've been doing for the past 3 years!


ATTENTION TRANSRATS FANS EVERYWHERE: I have actually updated a plush page for the first time in AGES! Which MEANS I have gotten a new plushie for the first time in AGES!!! This is incredibly exciting to me in particular.

If you look at the Paldea page, you will notice I now have a Maushold plush(plural?)!!!!!!! This is very exciting because I love maushold with my entire heart.

I'm also continuing to fix the semantics of my pages. I'm on winter break now so if I can keep the horrors at bay I should be able to get some fun and fresh updates out.


wauugh. More semantics fixed! ALL of the pages about Pokemon Plushies are semantically accurate now and also I updated the Pokemon Plush gallery pages to have lower resolutions so it doesn't take 10 years to load those pages. I've also made it so when you tab around the site, the link or button you're currently on is highlighted in white; this makes it so you can find the hidden links haha.

Notepad++'s find+replace feature is keeping me going right now to be quite honest.
I still have all the hidden pages, most of my blog pages, and all the Pokemon team pages to do. I've also been going through and slowly but steadily making it so decorative images have empty alt-text. Apparently this is the more correct thing to do! I'm so sorry to any screen reader users that have visited my site and have been bombarded with That must have been awful.

AHA. I am finally getting some stuff done. The most noticable thing to most people is definitely the about me page; I gave it a total rehaul! I think it's a lot more visually interesting now, but let me know what you think.
I also started applying semantic HTMl to all my pages. So far, everything you can access from the top navbar is in line with modern accessiblity standards! Yay! This is going to take a hell of a long time so please be patient in the meantime. I also finally fixed that weird spinning star gif on the right; it's no longer 10x the filesize and jittery.
I'm home for Thanksgiving break right now, going home to college in a couple days. I have a lot of cool stuff to write about and fix up and so many ideas for this site that it gets overwhelming; but I'm excited, nonetheless!
Thank you for reading!! ♥Jay

  • Add alt-text to all Pokemon Team pages
  • Add semantic HTML
  • Update Shiny Pokemon page
  • Finish self-care blog post
  • Finish Danny Phantom page
  • Update Pokemon Team Pages
  • Update Outfit page

I've been so busy lately!!!!! I have so much going on and I would like to write proper blog posts about all of it, but for now you just get a list of my default apps, in case anyone cares.

Just wanted to write something small to get me back in the swing of things. I really have a lot of ideas for this webbed site, but no time or spoons to really execute it. All my free time lately is spent doing housework, or sleeping, or maybe playing Pokemon with my brain turned off. Fighting for my life to stay afloat of burnout. But it's okay! I'm vibing. Got a nice internship lined up, got volunteer work to do, lots of plans with friends, working hard.

It's been a while since I've updated this site, specifically this part of the site. I still have lots of shinies and such to add, etc etc you know the drill by now. I'm also 20 now. Lots of.. thoughts and feelings on ageing, as someone who didn't really expect to live past 16 or so. I'll probably write a blog post about it soon. I'd do it tonight, while it's in my brain, but my hands are cramping a lot lately. I worked some on a project for, but trying to move my pinkies n shit to write all the brackets I needed was making them really hurt! Don't know what's up with that.

The new Pokemon DLC is underwhelming so far but I like the Pokemon they added to the game and as always I like the story. Just haven't had the spoons to invest in it quite yet. I have a lot going on, some good some bad etc etc. My schedule is pretty jam packed these days. And I'm so, so, so tired. There's a lot I want to do but my hands hurt and I'm so tired, what's up with that?

Thinking about making a page for my kandi, those pony bead bracelets you see me wearing a lot. I just ordered a shit ton of new beads with the gift card my mom got me for my birthday, so I have the vibes now. But you know- energy, time, etc. Photographing shit takes a lot of time, same with arranging a gallery and the mortifying ordeal of CSS positioning.
Hm. Well. Goodnight? ♥Jay

I'm back at college! Currently in class, but he's just going over the syllabus and some processes I've already heard of, so I'm just. Doing this for now!
I updated my sitemap a bit to account for the new teams I added on my Pokemon pages. I still have to finish the sprites on my 2019 Unova page, and it turns out I completely forgot to make 2/3 of my Alola team pages. So the sitemap isn't quite finished yet since I haven't done anything past gen 5, but it's fine. I also still haven't added those new shinies (Shoutout to the shiny caterpie I got in Pokemon SLEEP haha), and I'd like to make a shrine page for either Good Omens or Danny Phantom, since I'm obsessed with those right now; especially Good Omens. But that's a lower priority, site-wise.

I also have some plans to work on stuff for but... Not sure where I'm gonna find the time yet. I'm (trying to) about to go back to Physical Therapy, plus I'm getting a new job (shoutout to Rite Aid for paying 11.50 an hour), so I've been a little busy on top of the typical beginning of semester stuff.
I should probably be paying attention now. We're talking about uh.... how different plastic molding techniques work. Thoughts and feelings on rotational molding? ♥Jay

Updated my DDR page, and put it in the back of my mind to Eventually (tm) update my shiny pokemon page, because I HAVE gotten quite a few new shinies that I haven't put on there yet.

The fatigue is setting in, as always, so I might take a nap now, even though I've only been up for like two hours. I'm on new medication that's SUPPOSED to make me less sleepy but it's been almost 3 weeks and I'm not seeing it. Hopefully I will soon, since I'm going back to college next week. There's a lot to do... but I just want to sleep. ♥Jay

I have officially finished my MCR page, which is linked in about me now. I also updated my site map FINALLY to account for some of the new pages I've had, as well as the new structure of this blog page. I still need to update it to include my other Pokemon teams...and I have to finish that still, to account for the new Pokemon teams I put in. That's going to be a pain though I will do it later.

Due to the Allegations about Anti-Flag I removed them from my favorite bands list and am taking recommendations for similar music lmao. Just downloaded a bunch of Set it Off, Propagandhi, etc but yknow I'm always open to other stuff.
I am sooo tired now I am going to take a nap. ♥jay

I have been in the ZONE lately so here's some quick updates.
I added new blinkies and 88x31 buttons, I changed the blinkies that you see in the footer of almost every page, I continued working on my MCR page for the code jam, I added a credits page in an attempt to actually credit the people I steal stuff from, and I updated my DDR page to account for a good session I had today!

I'm gonna jam out now. Very tired, don't feel like coding anymore! ♥Jay

Hi! Lots of updates. I'm participating in a code jam over at this week, so you might notice updates to a hidden my chemical romance page I'm doing for that. I also added a branching path in the blog tab, which might be how you got here! Now this is one of four 'blogs'; There's this one, a list of the longer essay-type things I write, my DDR journal, and I'm starting the journey to learn how to play a keyboard again! I used to do marching band as many of you may or may not know and I'm excited to learn music at my own pace this time.

Lots of complicated feelings around that that I will likely touch on in my music journal, whenever I get around to actually working on that. I've been a coding machine the past few days and I'm not entirely sure it's healthy?

I got a new Grookey plush at the boardwalk last week that I have to, somehow, fit into my pile. He has a fucked up, unembroidered eye, that I think is really cool which is why I got him, but now I worry about the practicality. Oh well.
That's all on this front! Gonna work some more on the other pages now! ♥Jay

damn that doctor wasnt kidding. that chronic CAN fatigue.
actually.. that would make a really good writeup. note to self: complain about my medical drama via website.

Anyway. I've been busy! I added tabs to all my plush collection pages; you know, where the recent teams are listed? I added tabs, so now you can see even NON recent teams! Unfortunately, my copy of Pokemon X corrupted in 2015, and my brother deleted my save file in Pokemon Y... so I don't remember what teams I used in Pokemon X/Y during 2013/2014. I just know there were chesnaughts and probably a linoone.
It was a lot of work and more javascript than I am comfortable with but it works pretty well now! I still have to add pages for each pokemon on there, but I'm making my way through it. I think(?) all that's left to do is one Unova team and two Alola teams. Which isn't that bad, really.

I also added more links and 88x31 buttons to the links page, as well as a 'now playing' box on my about me page that links to my brand new account! Now you can see whatever I am currently listening to, or last listened to. You can also click on the link to see my page, which shows the unhealthy amount of listens I have for My Chemical Romance in a short period of time! I listen to most of my music offline via Blackplayer and Foobar, and sometimes the metadata gets wacky, which means that if you see any Japanese gibberish in the now playing article it is because that is a Vocaloid song I have not labeled properly at all.

I also future-proofed my site links, in case anyone is wondering. Now no matter what domain I have, the site will work. This might be helpful in the future, if I decide to move off of Neocities. I've been doing some backend stuff in regards to file organization and cleaning out unused stuff, too, in case you've been getting a ton of site updates for random pages that have not changed at all- that's why! Sorry. I don't think that's what backend means. I don't care right now it is almost 1 am and I am tired.
Speaking of Neocities, I feel almost obligated to say THANK YOU for 100 followers?! I don't really... care(?) about followers on neocities; sort of goes against like, every social media habit and mindset I am actively trying to avoid. But it is very nice to know 100 people (more than that, realistically, because I know a lot of people don't use the Neocities follow feature... I sure don't.) care enough about my webbed site to want to be alerted when it updates. Thank you so so so much really. It is nice to feel wanted!!

"oh but jay have you gotten around to photographing your new Pokemon merch for the collections tab in your site" no! hope that clears everything up! :) ♥Jay

Hi! You are all familiar with that to-do list I have been mentioning the past few blog posts. I am in fact not doing any of it right now, I have... updated my project sekai page, complete with a pretty major overhaul of what's on there. That's it!

I also spent like two hours trying to figure out the ProjectM visualization software on Foobar and ended up giving up because all the visualizations I saw just gave me a headache. And... I have to finish filling out an ADHD questionare.
Ironic. ♥Jay

Happy pride month everyone! I'm part of the pride zine over at if anyone wants to check that out!!
Site updates; I added a DDR page linked from the about me tab, to document my progress trying to get better at DDR (and physical activity in general). I was diagnosed with AMPS so it's nice to finally have a name for why physical activity has always been so hard. Now that I have a name for it, and I'm in physical therapy, it feels like I actually have a path forward when it comes to improving myself. Which is really nice.

I might also make a new blog tab; in we're doing an accountability group for learning and teaching ourselves new things, and the idea is once a week we write a blog post about what we've been learning. I might convert this "blog" tab on my site into a hub type of deal. It will have two links; one to the learning blog, and the other to this one that we all know and love.

Other than that... still have that to-do list, haha! Graphics, collection photos, etc are all still. On hold. I'm on vacation right now! So it won't be getting done soon but I have to do it eventually or I'll go insane and combust into a million pieces.

And uhhh I got a message on my tumblr saying how impressive my internet safety primer is and I'm just so grateful people are reading it and like it! So thank you all for. Reading the silly things I put onto the internet. I love having a website and working on community projects and whatnot. It really brings me a ton of joy.

Hello, one singular reader of my blog! How are you doing?
Writing here to say I made a lot of Trans Rats updates today, and recently in general! There's two new articles in the links page; one of them is about internet safety, which I did for and the other is a piece about queer strangers I've met and the joy they've brought me as an early pride month project! Both have been added to the RSS feed and I'm 99% sure it works BUT if anyone here is a dedicated RSS enjoyer and they're acting funky please let me know!

There's also two new recipes in my recipe page! One is for chicken and green bean stir fry, which is super fun and easy to make and everyone loves it so I make it all the time, and the other is for chicken gnocchi soup, which I have only made once but WILL make again. I'm currently home for summer break so I can't cook with my roommates unfortunately, which puts a damper on my culinary excursions.

I also linked to's pride event on the index page, and once the event is live I'll link to my personal page for it as well! It's nothing you all haven't seen before, it's simply a page listing all the queer-specific pages on this site along with some cute pictures. I've been busy as hell so I didn't have the spoons to think up something super original. Luckily Xandra gave me the idea haha.

And finally... I do have a to-do list with this site. I have more graphics to add to the gif page, and I have to update my collection pages to add things like my Mareep duster, a new Pikachu plush, an updated photo of my card collection, etc and so forth. Just haven't had it in me to set up my little photo spot, but I'll get to it. I'd also like to get back to writing stuff on the queer theory page, since pride month is coming up especially.

There's also new links on the index page. You can now email me, as well as buy art commissions and send me a tip! I've really been stressing over my medical bills lately and my savings are wearing thin, so any little bit would help me out a lot. I'll even draw you a silly little picture if you want.

That's all, take care! ♥Jay

Happy new year, everyone! I have an RSS feed now- ironically, not linking to this blog blog, but linking to the little articles I write! I thought I'd rather have people who want to check in on my site read the things I'm really proud of and put a lot of heart into, instead of these short website updates haha.

Added a recipe page to my "about me" tab, and took the opportunity to write down a recipe I found on TikTok (I'm not on TikTok, I found it on Reddit, but really this isn't doing me any favors regardless). I hate video recipes that don't include a written version so I did it myself!.... though, if the original creator of that TikTok is reading this and wants me to take it down, that's okay. I linked to her video and it's a super good recipe! Cheese bread... :)

"Jay why did you add a fake Y2K ad to your homepage, it uses WinXP and WinXP didn't exist until after 2000" shhh shhhhhhhh its funny

I've been busy! :)
Obviously I've been updating a ton. There's been so, so much added since Halloween. I'm just a little bit lazy and haven't updated my silly little blog. That's fine, though, laziness is a construct or something. I've been dealing with finals, family, my failing health, etc.

Today I finished playing the main story of Hypnospace Outlaw and I made a little page in tribute, it's really simple and I didn't have many ideas but I wanted to use the assets from the game really bad! It's super charming and fun to play, if a bit hard. That and Wobbledogs have all but consumed my brain as of late.

I definitely have to photograph some Pokemon stuff for collection pages... I've gotten pins, a duster(??), tons more TCG stuff, a cup... and of course, Scarlet. I updated my plush pages to allow for Hisui and Paldea, even though I don't have plush from them (yet?). I really want a Fuecoco plush, at the moment, but I haven't had the luxury of spending tons of money on plushies and nobody will buy me them anymore because I have "too many", lame.

I also uh got fired from my IT desk job because I changed to a major in plastics and polymer engineering... and they only accept IT related majors at the desk. This would be completely fine if I wasn't swamped in medical debt. Check out my tip jar perhaps? Haha just kidding. Unless...?

No more e-begging. I'm going to bed. It's been a long few weeks. ♥Jay

Wow I really suck at keeping an updated blog.

Typin this one out from my job at the IT desk, we close in 10 minutes but I figured I'd update the secret-hidden miku page while I'm here. Work is so boring. I have Halloween festivities to get to!

You maaay notice I've been updating a lot. Everything should have alt-text now, everything should be in the site-map. I've added new writings to my "links" page, and I put a Halloween page up for the yesterweb's Trick-or-Treat event!
In general site-ideas-news, I plan to put a Project Sekai page up at some point soon. I've been way too busy with school to do anything meaningful, lately. School's never been so hard. I wrote more about that on the links, though!

Oh, oh no, I never added graduation pikachu to the plush page... and now my collection is scattered. Man.
There's just too much to keep track of lately. After Halloween will come Christmas, and I have to like, buy people presents this year, so that's going to be rough. And before that's my partner's birthday. Geez. ♥ Jay

It's been a while since I posted on here! Sorry about that, but I'm sure you'll notice I have been updating the site!

I've been adding to the Kuroshitsuji page in a (feeble) attempt to make it a bit nicer, and I've just started adding alt text and such to pages!
I uhhh didn't create this site with accessiblity in mind! I'm trying to change that, but there's SO MANY FREAKING PAGES AND IMAGES so it's a bit slow. I'm done all the 'main' pages (the ones in the top navigation), now I'm just... slowly going through the sitemap page-by-page, haha.

You'll also maybe notice I added a 'warning' popup to the index page. This is also in an attempt to be accessible. If it sucks, please let me know. I'm doing my best but could always use advice.
That's all, thanks!

EDIT 10:45PM: got all of the main pages, the extra 'home' pages, the extra 'about me' pages, and the kanto and johto collection pages done (minus the pages that branch from those ones)
...if that doesnt make sense dont worry about it. :) ive been at this for 3 hours straight.

Happy pride month gamers. love you all.
It's been a rough and busy few weeks! I'm just here in my blog article to document some stuff I need to do with this site.

  • Add new shiny pokemon to the shiny page
  • Add my graduation pikachu(!!) to the plush page
  • Finish the Rin Hoshizora is Trans page
I'm so, so tired. I graduated. I've been working again. There's a lot I want to talk about, but not really in a public(?) place like this.


Tomorrow I'm opening up my gameboy pocket and DMG in order to 1) perform a screen swap in both and 2) perform a shell/button/speaker swap in the DMG! gameboy modification is one of my biggest (and most expensive, good god) hobbies.
I wanna document it on this site!!!! So heres a list of stuff I'll put in this hypothetical document

  • Pictures!! take pictures of even small stuff I get excited about along the way
  • Before/After of the DMG
  • Step by step on what im doing
  • Why Do I Do This
  • finally gonna use that motherboard-patterned background i have saved

I think it'll be a fun project-for-my-project!! I dont know I'm excited and I just. I like technology..

The Kuroshitsuji page is done(?)! I'm definitely going to still be adding more to it, but after an absolutely horrible time trying to get the sprites out of the DS game (I'm only about halfway done, and I have to manually assemble things to get them into animation form...), I now have both assets from the Kuroshitsuji: Phantom & Ghost DS game as well as knowledge on NDS file structures and sprite-ripping.

Ahaha. Oh it's all so difficult. That's why there's not a ton of gifs on the kuro page.
I linked it in my 'about me' article, and of course I'll put it on the site map. I also included on it a link to that shady kuroshitsuji-manga site, which isn't the best place to read, but things like mangadex keep getting shut down and for some reason that one hasn't, yet.
If anybody has any assets I can use for that page just let me know:') ♥Jay

I decided to make a page dedicated to my problematic fave, Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji. I have brainworms okay i cant help it.
I cannot stress enough: this series makes me very angry, and I don't like it, and I don't like the author, but also I love it a lot despite the numerous issues it has.

..the main issue is a lot of the gifs I can find are from the anime (sobs) and its just a bunch of 'hot sebastian' gifs so I really want to get some sprites from the NDS game.
But I feel like if I download a ROM on my school computer, I will get in trouble. So I'm going to wait a bit for that one. Plus I'm not sure how to rip sprites, so it might take a while.
The spriters' resource only had the loading screen gifs of Sebastian and Ciel so I have a lot of work to do. When I'm done ripping what I need, though, I'll upload them myself lmao.

This is a SebaCiel free zone!!!!! sobs cries etc. I try so so hard to curate my spaces to avoid that crap. The page is going to be like uhh gifs and my thoughts on the series, good and bad. I am cringe but I am free. ♥Jay

I've been screwing around with some fun code I found over at this place called XP.css, and it definitely shows lmao. On the index page, I put the internet banner, counter, and yesterweb webring divs into a windows XP window!
You can click and drag it around, close it entirely, minimize and maximize it. I added the latter two buttons because it sort of looks horrendous on small screens and I didn't want to make the site inaccessible to mobile devices entirely!
I also put miss hatsune miku in a winXP border, but I didn't make hers click+drag-able. I'm having a lot of fun with this though!!

Aaaalso, I passed my final exam in my tech class. I got a 76! The passing grade is a 35 (the bar is stupidly low) so my score is advanced. The highest in class was 81! Very impressive. I'm proud of myself. School isn't done yet though ahahafgrghbtgjn ♥Jay

WHOO boy it's been a while since a blog post, sorry about that! I have been working on the website!
Lots of new shiny Pokemon, for one- I got a shiny Snorunt, actually, and I have to decide if I want a Glalie or not, since it's male.

I also changed the page that said what song is currently stuck in my head (accessed by clicking on anarchy miku on 'About Me') to a page about Hatsune Miku songs I like. There were a lot more but I didn't have the space to add them without making the page look ugly:(
I wanted to add pages for other vocal synths, too, especially the Kagamine twins and Fukase, but I couldn't find enough gifs of them to make it even with the Miku page... ah, a shame. I love talking about my cringe music tastes. Maybe I can make like, a page that's just lists... it'd be a bit ugly, but y'know. I gotta share my cringe music tastes with the 2 people who find the page.

I've also been writing more.. fanfiction? Do I dare promote it on this site? It's definitely not Pokemon related, lmao. I've been writing a ton of Black Butler fanfiction, actually, and a funny lil (20+ page) fic about... an Ouran High School Host Club/Black Butler crossover?
I don't even know. They're my problematic faves. I am cringe but I am free. My partner likes my fanfiction and that's what matters, I think.

...I also gotta add more pins to my pin page, and... I think that's it? Cool!
Maybe I should make a page for non-Pokemon anime figures. I got an Eva-02 model kit the other day and it's so cool. I also really like taking pictures of my stuff.

My cat passed away today.
We got him when I was a little over a year old. I've never known this house without Ollie in it. He was almost 17.

I don't know how to cope. I don't know if I will. But I have band tomorrow, so I have to push these feelings to the side a little bit.
I was playing PLA today, and I found a random shiny Luxio. Ollie, before he got sick, was a big dude. He was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism about a year and a half ago.

I named the Luxio Ollie. We couldn't afford his ashes, so this is how I can remember him by.
We're gonna bury his food and water bowls and put a little gravestone in our yard.

When my parents move out of this house, when we are all gone. Will he still have a memory.
I guess it doesn't matter, time marches on. But thinking about mortality. It really screws me up. I saw him die. I was petting him.

I won't go into any more detail than that. I'm glad to have my Luxray, at least. It all hurts a lot. Band at 9 am tomorrow morning. All day. ♥Jay

Finished my sociology test early, so I figured I'd finish up my 'fun stuff' page over in 'misc'. I miss PokeSpe lmao.

Okay now that that's all finished... I guess I have more photos to take when I'm home. I have to still take pictures of my new TCG stuff, namely ETBs and such (though I might wait for my Brilliant Stars ETB to come in for that), as well as add my BDSP game to the 'games' page. I have PLA too, but... I completely forgot I got it digitally! So no photos there!
I wonder, though, if I can somehow get digital game reviews up here. That'd be Legends Arceus, Pokemon Dream Radar, Pokemon Trozei (the 3ds one), Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Crystal, Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs...
Ugh, too much to do.

Thank god for my grandmom, she's been helping me finish a lot of normal everyday tasks I've been putting off. She helped get me to an eye doctor appointment, pay my housing deposit for college and helped with my laundry. I'm really thankful for her haha these things overwhelm me too much.

Not sure what to add to the site other than the stuff I need photos for, though. I guess I have to do actual work in tech class now instead of just updating here. Oh, woe is me. ♥ Jay

AHA I finally made a substantial update.
I added my new Torchic, Sobble, and Pikachu plushies to their respective pages- I had to end up using a second Pikachu picture, just due to how many there are. I also did most of the missing collections pages- I converted 'Tins' to 'Keychains', because I have more of one than the other, and I did most of the 'misc'.

I just have to do 'fun stuff'- that is, just some PokeSpe manga and a controller. I might take pictures of some of my other books, too. Don't know if I have the energy for that yet. But I have a lot more to do! ♥ Jay

I added a site map! No that is nowhere on my list of Stuff To Do that I posted down an entry, no I will not acknowledge the multitude of things I should be doing.
It can be found on the links page, I don't know if a sitemap needs to be on the home page in order to be considered properly accessible? Do I have to make it more obvious? I don't know.

Shoutout to the guy in my tech class who taught me how to do the dropdown menu in html/css. I was suffering with some javascript thing I found online and he was like No... Do This Instead. <details> and <summary> tags my beloved. ♥ Jay

SOMEBODY has to remind me to update this again, I have a lot to add- I'm putting a list here so I don't forget.

  • Add BDSP and PLA to the 'Games' page
  • Update picture of cards in the 'Cards' page
  • Add new Torchic, Sobble, and Pikachu plushies to their respective pages
  • Finish the pages for 'tins' and 'other'- ESPECIALLY 'other'
  • Add the new figure I'm getting to the 'Other' subsection in 'Figures'

Do I update the Sinnoh team page...? I mean, Hisui is technically Sinnoh, and I have quite a new team for sure, but... it's not Sinnoh. Would doing that be cheating? Are high-quality rips of the models from PLA even out there yet?
...I haven't even started on the Alabaster Icelands yet. I think I have time to mull this one over. I really want to write stuff about Legends, I've been having a WONDERFUL time with it and have so many new friends to talk about, like Tulin my shiny staraptor, but I'm not sure where that'd go. If I end up getting plushies of Hisuian forms, do I put that in the Sinnoh page or do I make a new one..? This is all uncharted territory and I'm not really sure how to proceed.
I put Alolan Marowak for example, in the Alola page, but Hisuian Pokemon wouldn't have their own page or anything like that- anyway, if they did it'd feel pointless. Like, how many Hisuian plushies am I really going to get? Will there ever be more Hisuian Pokemon? But it's not like they fit cleanly into the Sinnoh dex, either.

I really don't know. Hm.. ♥ Jay

I added a hidden game of snake to the site! Took like an hour and a half to get working, I hate javascript so much. I've been so exhausted lately so I'm rather proud of myself for implementing it, though.
yahoo ♥ Jay

Aha I did it. I figured out what to add to the site! I might tweak it more as things go on, but I added a Discord embed!
If you go here (or just go to the collections page then hit the first link you see), you can see a direct feed of a Discord channel I made reviewing my plushies! You can't join or talk in it, which is intended. Stay in your lane lol /s

I'm really happy about this one! Be sure to let me know what you think! ♥ Jay

Added a new link to the stuff ive written part of the links page. its a little vent page, I guess?

I'm just. I'm so tired. There's a lot going on in my personal life, and in the world, and now I'm out of stuff to do in tech class...
I really don't know what to do anymore. I'm at my limit. I'm working so hard, all the time, but also not hard enough because I'm super bored all of the time.

Unsure what to add to this site! Hopefully I'll think of something because oh god haha. ♥ Jay

Yahoooo happy New Year, gamers! At last, I have finally updated my page a little bit. Added some more links, some more buttons, updated my Shiny Pokemon page to include my new friends... all's good.

Got top surgery like almost two weeks ago. Feeling pretty good, all things considered. I still can't believe it. I keep having nightmares where it's all a dream. But nah, it's real as shown by the pain I feel doing normal tasks. It's whatever though.
I really, really don't care about the pain as long as I stay flat like this. God I'm so happy. I keep looking down and grinning like a madman. I just... I can't express this feeling enough. I knew it'd be a weight off my shoulders (hah), but I didn't think it'd be like this. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I feel so real. I went to a Pokemon tournament yesterday, and was flat.. and I went home and was flat... no taking off a binder. I mean, well, I have my surgical bandages still keeping me from swelling up, but... you know what I mean. God.

Today I was working on the site of the Discord server I co own (cough) and I was like y'know what. I need to update the transrats site. And so I did, here we are.
God. I really do feel like a person. It's insane.
♥ Jay

Okay, late update, but yesterday I updated my shiny pokemon page to include blurbs on how/where I got them! If you mouse over the gifs (or tap, on mobile) you should see it now!!
I have to work on the FnB site but I've had so little motivation to do this stuff. Transrats is easy bc I can do whatever but there's more pressure involved with a site specifically for others, as opposed to a site specifically for myself. Agh..
♥ Jay

I am so tired but . I caught two new shinies today!!! Just caught the second one, Adeleine the Smeargle, a couple of minutes ago... PokeRadar chaining is pretty fun!
Very Stressful. Very, very stressful. But fun!! Regardless I'm going to take a break from it for a bit... train Adeleine's moves up... And figure out what to do with Aiboh.

Aiboh was my main target, because I love shiny Girafarig, but I saw that you can get Smeargle via PokeRadar and I was like. Okay. This is my life now! It took a few hours. The chain kept breaking. My final chain for that thing was 56. In comparison, Girafarig's was 14. 14!!!
I am.. so tired. Just got my booster shot. My arm sure is feeling it, but the rest of me isn't, yet. I added the new friends to the site though! I want to add subpages to each of my shiny pokemon saying what game I caught them in, how, etc. I think it'd be fun. Especially to see how many I got at random! ♥ Jay

Ahaha I lied, I'm insanely bored in class so I just worked on the misc. figure pages. My teacher is talking about dreams and dream interpretation, it makes me uncomfortable... Dreams are just.. dreams. They only have meaning if you want them to. I've had enough horrible traumatizing dreams to realize that it just means my brain is being especially mean sometimes.

I need a nap. ♥ Jay

I updated my figure pages (minus the misc ones, I'll get to that) and updated my team for Sinnoh!

I've felt really off and weird lately. Memory kind of failing me, don't feel right, keep zoning out. Gonna take a break from coding and stuff for now because I get too absorbed into it...
I'm a hypocrite, though, because I keep playing Pokemon. ♥ Jay

Happy Thanksgiving, I guess?? This holiday is kind of dumb. Be thankful for those around you on other days. It is nice to have the house so lively, sometimes, though. My aunt and uncle brought their dog over and he's really sweet. I held his lil paw!!!!!

I have successfully updated the plushie pages, especially the Hoenn one, to include all of my new friends- and HAPPY GEN 4 REMAKES!! I CAN FINALLY UPDATE MY SINNOH TEAM THANK GOD. Hopefully it's not too hard to find the necessary sprites. I haven't beaten the E4 in the remakes yet, but I have a sneaking suspicion I'm not gonna be able to find the razor claw for my sneasel in time- which is fine! Half of my team isn't fully evolved lol. I have monferno and cranidos...
I've been looking at more old angelfire sites too. I honestly wish people had personal webpages like they used to. I've considered trying to get my friends into it but it's such a horrendous activity and I would not wish this pain on anybody.

You know what, I'm feeling motivated after being misgendered all day. I think I'll take pictures of all my Pokemon figures. Wish me luck! ♥Jay

Working on the FnB site has kind of drained my motivation for coding in general. Adding interesting things to a site without a lot of information to put on it is kind of rough. I keep doing this thing where I work on the site for like, 3 hours straight and just end up adding one thing because nothing is working properly. Frustrating as hell.

I got a ton of new plushies, so I need to update this site, though. I might do that a bit later, when I get to the tech school. I already took pictures of everything (except for the new Pikachu... It's really hard to get a good picture of all of my Pikachu plush.), so all that's left is to add them to the site. Lots of new friends!
God, and I still haven't taken pictures of my figures or other stuff yet. I keep meaning to do that but I've been so busy and exhausted. I had a really nasty cold earlier this week and was unable to do much of anything but cry and sleep. But now I'm better, and marching band is over, so maybe I'll be able to do more here again.

Of course, the gif page is always being updated because it's an easy and fun way to waste time in tech class under the guise of practicing coding. ♥ Jay

I've been trying really hard to add pages to this stupid blog, because it's getting too long. But I can't seem to get it to work. You'll see a page selector at the bottom here, with no functionality other than... refreshing the page?
I don't know how I did that.

In other news, I updated the gif page to have a less eyestrainey background. It was a bit much, even for me, and this lets me put even more obnoxious gifs on the page without worrying about how it'd look against the background.
This page specifically might become a bit less active because I'm helping design the website for my local Food not Bombs chapter, so sorry about that in advance- it's all the same to me though... I hate html/css.

And yet, here I am! I really gotta go to bed now. I do still have school- I was accepted into college, so I guess my performance in HS isn't really relevant anymore, but... it's the principle of the thing lmao.
Old habits die hard and all that. ♥ Jay

Those of who who are perceptive will notice that my secret gif page has been updated, but this blog hasn't. That is because saying 'I added more random crap to that page nobody looks at' isn't really worth a blog post!
I added a new friend to my plush collection!!! Shoulder buddy Aipom is now on the site with a lil description of where I got him. Due to various circumstances I may be making another biiiiig plushie purchase soon, so I'll have a lot of work here to do but it's all good work.

I have to really start like, planning for college. But some stuff in life has happened, my top surgery won't happen for god-knows-how-much-longer, but it'll be cheaper. And I think I deserve a big box of stuffed animals for dealing with all of this for so long.
Band season's almost over too, it's my final one. Not sure how I feel about it, other than tired as hell. I'm so tired all the time...

Things are rough but Pokemon stuffies are soft. Hopefully things go well for you, too. ♥Jay

im at band ehehehehehehehehehehe. Anyway my instructor got the link to this site hi alyssa and her friends hope u like it sign my guestbook or ill cry ♥Jay

Alrighty I added another article to the Links page- I added a place I can put stuff I want to rant about, pretty much. In case I have any galaxy-brained thoughts.

I'd basically really like to try to keep this Blog article light-hearted and website-focused. (though, my first link there IS about the internet... agh. anyway.) I'm mostly inspired by's work- I have her badge in my links page, too.

Ah, I still need to fix that music player. Issue is I don't think that the premium thing I have is sustainable. Once everything's mounted on this drive, that's it. In order to adapt changes cross-platform I just copy+paste. Maybe I can survive without mp4 files lmao.

Take care!


I finally splurged my five whole dollars and got the premium plan, which for ME means mostly I can edit this all in Notepad++ now lmao.

I tried to add a music player- you'll probably see it on a few pages, because I broke something- but it's so ugly. Javascript is hard as hell, I suck at it, I wish I didn't need it to make a fun little website. But alas. Here I am. Using javascript to...

sparkle trail :)

That's all for now, I've just been seeing what Notepad++ is capable of lately. It's really nice!


Y'know, I have updated this site a bit since my last blog entry, I just haven't been updating this page. I haven't done much aside from adding gifs to the gif page though. Positioning is ROUGH.

There's a lot of stuff I have to update, collection-wise, but I just haven't had the motivaition. I got a new pin, a new TCG ETB-

Oh god that reminds me- I wasn't able to get the Celebrations collection. They sold out on the USPC site way too fast, it makes me so mad. I hate scalpers so much, they're ruining a perfectly good hobby.

Anyway- I'm going to order a new Aipom plush too, once my gift card I got for my bday starts working. I got a bunch of gameboy parts for my birthday, and lots of money, which is super great but agh it's so hard to spend money now.

Ah, on the topic of website, I submitted it for a grade. I wonder if my teacher is reading the blog post article lol. Hi leave a guestbook entry:)

English class is almost over- I hate this class so much its unreal. The teachers just dont shut up. They talk the whole class, very slowly, constantly repeating things, and won't go on until someone raises their hand.

I feel like I'm the only one answering questions sometimes but I hate that because I hate standing out..


So, my birthday's tomorrow, and I mean... I'm kind of ambivalent about it. Knowing I cannot get top surgery or even do the paperwork until I'm 18 is great but, god... I'm like, an adult now I guess. Feels dumb.

I guarantee I'm thinkin' more about it than a lot of other people. I just overthink this stuff, it makes me feel dumb, but I just had the loveliest weekend with a friend. She flew all the way from Florida with her family to come see me. And I just think, maybe when we're adults we won't be able to do that.

Maybe we won't be friends as much in the far future. And it all hurts to think about. But I can't help it.

Anyway. I saw an irl floppy disk at school the other day for the first time in my life, I know that makes me sound really young. It was wild. I saw one from 1986, with a copy of some old IBM DOS on it- that one was actually floppy. It didn't even feel like stuff could be in it!

My teacher said that it used magnetic tape. How wild is that? Like a VHS or something. I guess everything just used magnetic tape back then.

The other floppy I saw was from the later 90s, I don't know what year but it had the drivers for some mouse on it. It was smaller, and more solid and had a metal magnet instead- that's the kind of thing I think of when I think of a floppy disk. It's a bit easier to visualize how that sort of thing works for me.

It's more similar to a DVD, I guess? Well, DVDs use lazers.

...from my understanding, DVDs work by the lazers reading the very very subtle grooves in the disc... I guess it really is just an advanced vinyl record.

Anyway, I love learning about older technology and stuff. It's so insanely interesting, and leagues simpler than recent stuff.

I put some more gifs on the hidden page, which is no longer hidden. You can access it by clicking the last blingee on the About Me page! I put on like, a modem, a computer, a DVD, a VHS player.

I know it's just more convenient, and cost-effective, and space-efficient, and produces less waste, but god I sometimes wish we still used physical wires to connect everything, and I wish everything was still big and easy to understand. I just am so tired of cramming new information into my brain.

It's like, physically exhausting to learn so much in such a short period of time. School and band are really wearing me out. I tried to learn basic javascript in hopes of making this site more interactive but it hurt my head to focus on it too much.

I should proooobably get tested for ADHD. Anyway!

See ya, have a good night, I may not have been posting much but I'm still thinking of new stuff to add to this site. ♥Jay

I added a special secret page with no link to it just yet! It's just a funky lil place to store gifs I like. Nothing too special, but god it is kinda eyestrain-y.

I also added a music page if you click on the anarchist miku blingee youll see whatever song I currently have in my head. Today it's been Electric Angel lmao.

My back hurts SO much lately, it's wild. I thought the back pain was from binding but it almost feels like it's been getting worse without binding? Like my ribs don't hurt as much but my back hurts more. I just can't win!!! Maybe my posture just sucks, but I've been trying really hard to stretch often. I'm really not sure what my issue is.

I need to get up early tomorrow to go to the DMV though, so that's all tonight. I need to get my driver's permit... I just. I really don't feel like doing this.


I'm currently just looking around trying to bs some stuff to do on here because we have company over and I don't wanna go downstairs. Like.. I want to but. I feel like I'd just bring the mood down? I don't mesh with the others' senses of humor. It's just family and family friends but. agh.

I added a page to display songs that're in my head if you click on anarchy miku. Right now there's actually nothing in my head but anxiety so I just put a banger. Dog Park Dissidents slaps. I also keep trying to find stuff like- like I saw this one site, PurpleHello98, has a firework effect when you click?? It uses a javascript script and I can't do that.

I don't feel like learning either, frankly.

Also since I'm out of a job I've listed some stuff on Mercari, find me there at j4y.crash. Just yknow, n64 games and amiibo and Pokemon figures that I don't care about anymore. There's a stuffed dragon too lmao his name is Kiwi apparently.

I'm desperate for a PROJECT but there's just nothing!! Everything I wanna do I need to wait for. I bought a broken GBA and am going to repair it but it's not supposed to come until the 9th and aaagggghhhhh that's too long. And my SNES is broken and I wanna repair that too, but I wanna see if I can bring it into school to repair there for a grade, but school isn't until the 7th!

It doesn't seem like much time but geez I'm an impatient prick. And one of my best friends is visiting from Florida this week and I'm stupid impatient to see her. I've known her for like 5 years and we can only hang out for one (1) day, it doesn't feel like enough.

I didn't mean to turn this into like, a personal thing! Typing stuff into the HTML console just makes me feel smart and productive. But also if anyone has a broken Nintendo system I'll take it off your hands, I'll even pay you if you want just hmu.

...Repairing old stuff like that is one of my passions but in the 'adult world', hardware repair makes poverty wages. I need to find something I love that's actually profitable or I'm gonna have a hard ass time trying to pay rent in the future.

Yknow that pisses me off so bad. Why do I need to let go of my passions to get the bare minimum in this world. Like, I have medicine and stuff to pay for. When I move out and get my own place I don't know how I'm gonna deal with it all. Capitalism is a disease. ♥Jay


ahaha yeah so ♥Jay

Hey hey hey did you know: when you click on the Blingees on the About Me page, stuff happens?

Well, only for the first two for now. But it's fun! I spent the past hour making a list of all my shiny Pokemon I've gained myself (and one with the help of a friend). I have more that I know are legitimate, but I didn't include them regardless. Sorry Maractus, Xatu, Clefable...

It took literally forever due to me being indecisive on what sprites to use. At first I was going to use the sprites of the games I caught them in but... that is gen 7 for 90% of them. Plus, the heights of the 3d models are wildly different and it was nearly impossible to comfortably fit Stunfisk and Swellow in there. So I just used the sprites from their home games.

Luckily for most of them that was gen 5 and I'm in love with the gen 5 sprites so I'm having a wonderful time!

I STILL have issues with some of the DPPt sprites!! Why is there no readily-available animated version of Glaceon?! Is there, like, a reason? Do the people at sprite resources just hate gen 4? I don't understand...

Honestly, I'm just procrastinating taking photos of my figures and stuff for the other collection pages. I'll get around to it because I'm desperate to ramble about this crap but god the set-up is horrendous. I have so many freaking US TOMY figures, it's insane. And I got more cards, so I gotta redo that article- though, I guess that's not as pressing. Not like it was a substantial amount.

...I wonder if this site is actually tearing me away from collecting? Whenever I look to get something I'm like, 'god, that will suck to try to put into the site'. I think it has done the opposite of its intended purpose, though I guess it's good. I am out of a job after all.

Didn't even get the co-op job I was looking at... I need a job really badly, haha.

Anyway! Have a good night, take care, have a good Labor Day weekend.♥Jay

The 'remnants' (lol) of Hurricane Ida hit me really hard today, the power was out in the morning but luckily it came back quick. My whole neighborhood was flooded like hell last night, and while my area seems back to normal now, neighboring towns are still struggling. Wish I could post pics here without destroying my blog formatting, lol. Maybe someday...

Anyway, I've been working on making more of the sprites on the 'name' pages animated. If you don't know, when you click on the 'menu sprites' of my Pokemon teams on each region's page, you'll get a little page about the nickname I gave to the Pokemon and why. I'm trying to make all those animated, but I... can't find an animated sprite of Altaria or Luxray from Platinum??

I can find the frames easily, but I know the gen 4 sprites all like.. move a bit, like the gen 3 ones do, and I'm unsure how to do that. If anyone reading this happens to have the animated sprites of Altaria and Luxray from Platinum let me know via the guestbook ahaha....

I also can't find animations of the gen 8 models, but I expect that a bit more. I was super shocked when pokencyclopedia had transparent GIFs of the gen 6/7 models!! Super helpful and cool. I'd like gen 8 ones too thanks♥

On that note, for some reason, the animatedPNG of Donphan I found on bulbapedia doesn't seem to be working. All the other animatedPNGs do, so I don't know the issue. I can't convert it to GIF either, it sticks on frame 1. I don't know how to fix it, and none of the other Crystal Donphan sprites I found have transparent backgrounds... so frustrating.

I hate how inconsistent everything is.

I don't care for apng anyway, it's dumb and just causes more problems. Who cares if it 'is more versitile' and 'gives more colors' and 'is a smaller file size' or whatever??? It's frustrating!

I AM very happy at the amount of working GIFs I did find, though! I'll never get over how wonderful the gen 5 sprites are. If it werent for the fact that they don't exist for Kalos onwards, I'd just use them all around the site. Gen 5 and Gen 2 have my absolute favorite sprite styles.

Anyway... I guess I'm done working with the sprites for now, since I've found all I can. Next order of business is to continue my collection pages and make myself an 88x31 button...

Take care!!♥Jay

Put more links in during class! There's lots of very good stuff. I also added Serebii because Joe Merrick is a treasure.


I'm currently at school but I thiiink I got all the pages done! Everything should have a Links page in the place of Stats. If it doesn't work, refresh with ctrl+f5! If it still doesn't work... let me know. Anyway, back to history class.♥Jay

Ahh I really need to stop staying up so late >.> Neocities is really reawakening my interest in internet culture and the way it works though, especially old web stuff. I've been clicking from site to site for the past two hours, and hence- the Stats page is now a Links page!

The page itself was stupid easy to make but... god it's so difficult to redo the top navigation bar on every. single. page. I haven't even gotten to the plush pages yet, I'm holding off on that. Maybe it'll give me something to do in school tomorrow lmao. Copy and paste... and paste... and paste...

Do take a look at the sites I linked though! The Team Rocket Site is an old angelfire site i found linked on Bulbapedia, and it has links to other angelfire Team Rocket sites! They're all so old, and outdated, and interesting! The rest are all from our good host neocities.

Lowkey considering becoming a supporter for 5$ a month just so I can play music on this site. I had songs picked out and downloaded for every page before realizing I gotta pay to use .mp3 files. Can I put music in CSS to avoid going to every single page to change the heading code??

If I was better at planning these sorts of things this wouldnt be an issue, now would it. ^^"

I really should get to bed though. I think I've done all the links except plush ones, which, like I said... maybe I can just do that during school. It's a lot of copy+pasting, and doesn't require me to double check the site a bunch of times. A bunch of gibberish-looking code and no interesting graphics will dissuade people from looking over my shoulder in class.


I'm at school >:) We don't have work to do so I updated the Games pages. Everything up to and including the DS article is good to go. Working on little reviews of all these games is harder than I thought they'd be.

That's all for today though, I have people looking over my shoulder and need to go home in 10 minutes.

Take care!♥ Jay

I swear I'm not dead I just- I ran out of ideas! I think I might scrap the stats page idea, because I'd have to redo it every time I get a new plush. As much as I love data and charts that's a bit too much to deal with.

Due to me not having a job, I'm on a plush-spending-freeze, but who knows how long that'll last.

Band camp is over! It's been over for a week now, but school is starting in a couple days now. I'm actually sort of excited? I almost failed when doing online school, I'm excited to go back in person. And I got a job opportunity related to my field of study in the local technology school that pays pretty well, so maybe I won't even have to go back to retail!

Things are looking up aside from the whole worldwide pandemic nearing on 2 years thing.

IN WEBSITE NEWS: I added pages for my other Pokemon stuff! Right now I just have pages on cards, pins, and snowglobes, and they're not nearly as detailed as my plush pages, but they work! I'm really excited to set up all my figures for a group shot, and to write about two very special items I'm gonna put in the miscellaneous article.

Goodnight!♥ Jay

OKAY! I finished all the descriptions in the Plush Collection page for real this time, as well as added all my new friends (minus pikatoast. I'm still debating if I want to bother with making him part of the overall Pikachu article, or his own thing.) I feel like I'm finally ready to share this with people properly?

I need double sided tape... some garland I made for my desk is falling down again...

Anyway, I'm wondering how/where to incorporate the giant pic of my plush pile. So many things to think about, and band camp starts this week. God I'm so tired already just thinkig about it. And today was my last day of work! I can't work for the rest of the month due to band, and after that I'm getting a new job. I was accepted at a place that pays 12$ instead of 10$. Still very mediocre wages but at least it's a smaller store, so maybe I won't be doing as much?

I'm so tired haha. Very anxious for no reason, I just want to curl up and read. I was going to go to the game shop (that has a manga cafe!!) tomorrow, but now apparently my brother and his friends are coming too? Not a big deal. It's a public space. I was just hoping it would be quiet. I need to get somewhere where nobody knows me. Work was good for that but now that I quit...

Hm, Regardless. I need sleep, I guess!♥ Jay

I made a guestbook:)

It is 2 am I need to Stop This lol.

Going to a game shop with my little brother tomorrow/today! Pretty excited actually. I don't spend a whole lot of time with him, and I feel bad. I worry about him a lot, actually...

Regardless, despite not having any more spending money due to my lack-of-a-job and the fact that I need to save my last paycheck on things I've preordered, I think it'll be a fun time. I hope it's a fun time. I really, really hope so.

Goodnight!♥ Jay

I did it!!! I finished all the descriptions and menu sprites for my Plush Collection page! Just in time for new plushies to arrive haha.

Not sure what to do next as I am procrastinating the stats article. Kind of want to add pages when you click on each 'About Me' blingee, but I don't know what to do past the first one. Sort of want to make the one when you click on the Pokemon blingee to show like, a list of all the shiny Pokemon I've gotten? I think that'd be fun but the thought of setting it up is hhhhhhhhh painful. Too many graphics and I STILL CAN'T FIND ANIMATED 3D MODELS OF THE POKEMON FOR DOWNLOAD.

Band has been really rough. I'm not good at the vibraphone and I'm even worse at keeping a practice schedule outside of rehearsal, so I know I'm probably disappointing my instructor. She places a lot of faith in me and I don't know why lmao. I hope I can live up to her expectations.

Anyway as far as plushies go I think the fact that I'm getting at least two new Pikachu soon is going to throw a wrench in things. Getting my massive friend out to take a photo of the Pikachu collection is such a hassle, but a needed one lol.

Ah, I have to make pages for each plushie's brand and where I got them at some point, don't I? I mean, I want to. Currently trying to figure out the best way to do that.

I'll probably have it so when you click on the image in the collection page, it will open a new page with a bigger photo as well as information. Like my own little Pokedex~

That's all stuff to do... eventually, though. Not going to get too into it until my next haul, especially because I will be out of a job and therefore collecting will slow down for a while. Gives me lots of time to make this site the best it can be :)♥ Jay

I've been adding descriptions of each of my Pokemon I put in the 'recent team' article. When you click on them, a page explaining their nickname will pop up!

I've also been adding menu sprites. I got about halfway done gen 4 before realizing oh wait, animated menu sprites. Those are a thing. And I found a website with all of them! Thanks lmao.

I finished all the naming parts, now I just have to add menu sprites. God. It's pretty exhausting, but now that I know what I'm doing it's not as bad. Regardless it is 3 am and I'm hanging out with my girlfriend tomorrow and going to band practice. God. I wish I got motivation to do these things earlier in the day.

Take care of yourself, don't be like me lol. ♥ Jay

I know I have more important things to do site-wise, such as finish the stats page and add that picture of Alolan Marowak, but.

I spent the last 2.5 hours making blingees (despite using picmix, I give up lmao) using the flags I identify with and putting them on a page that appears when you click my picture on the About Me tab. it's pretty ugly. I can't figure out how to get everything spaced apart nicely while also keeping it centered. I am working on it though, I assure you. God I'm just so tired, and my body hurts so much from working all day. Gonna crawl into bed and sleep.

I'm so tired it's not even funny:) ♥ Jay

I was really productive today! The site's finally coming together!! I have the collection pages finishsed up through Sinnoh, and I replaced the 'favorite Pokemon' part of said pages with sprites of my most recent team from that region. Makes me realize how long it's been since I played a Hoenn game....

I've tried doing nuzlocke runs of Alpha Sapphire like, 3 times, but I die every time. I'm really bad at nuzlockes because I hate grinding. If I actually succeeded I could replace my horrible 2014 team with one of those, but... I never did. Whoops.

I also don't have like, ANY Sinnoh or Hoenn plushies compared to Johto and Kanto. For Sinnoh it's fine, I'm waiting until the sitting cuties release to stock up. But for Hoenn there's just... not a lot I want? Maybe at some point I'll get like, an Azurill or Skitty or something. And I really like Dustox, but I'm not sure if I like it enough to want a plush of it. Maybe the Spheal line? I'm getting ahead of myself.

I have more plushies on the way from a friend on Discord, she buys big lots from Japan and resells them at good prices. I got a Pichu, a Cleffa, a Togedemaru, a Pikachu, and a Grookey. It's mostly gen 1 and 2! What's up with this! I don't even like Kanto that much!!!!

I tried to play Pokemon Blue not too long ago, but I didn't get far enough to even have a full team. I hated it. If I was a child and that was my first exposition to Pokemon I simply would lose interest. I don't know how the kids back then did it.

On more relevant news, as you can maybe see I made the top of the website have a glittery title.:) I also added a weird smiley face divider. I might change that if I find a better one on Tumblr or something, but I'm in no rush.

I also upscaled the resolution of the Pokeball sprites on each collection page! It looks really nice now, I think! Love you! ♥ Jay

Hmm, okay so I think I finished the Kanto article of my Plush Collection page. The issue is I'm not sure how to add descriptions in an appealing way. I figured the pages would look less cluttered because I sorted by region, but when I added text it filled right on up with garbage.

It sucks, because I really wanted to add information like the brand and where I got each plush, but I think that'll have to wait for now. All the ways to make an appealing and unobtrusive gallery in HTML/CSS I can find use javascript which I have never bothered with and don't have the energy to learn. I'm learning too much lately haha.

I was made to play the Vibraphone in my school's marching band against my will because I apparently picked it up pretty quickly. That's not exactly a brag, because I'm still bad at it and I don't really enjoy it. Learning something new is hard and painful especially when you don't have much of a choice- it's why school sucks, I think.

Marching band is better than normal school though even though I'm learning against my will and my hands are killing me because of it. God, holding mallets properly takes a lot of hand flexibility and patience I simply do not have apparently.

...anyway, that's why I'm sick of learning and why I refuse to learn javascript even if it means making a much worse site. The next order of business is, of course, to fill out the rest of the collection pages.

I want to finish this part so badly so I can do funky stuff... I want to make like, a custom cursor for the site, and maybe add a music player? I think it'd be cool if like, tracks from each game played on their respective regions' pages. What music would this blog have...? Maybe on the non-region-specific pages I'll put spinoff game music. That'd be cool! But I'm getting ahead of myself though. I still don't know how to make captions.

OH! Maybe I can make a page for 'stats', y'know like 'How Many Pokemon of Each Type?', and 'How Many Pokemon from Each Region?', and 'What Brand is the Most Common?'... oh that sounds really fun. I wanna make a pie chart.

I'll figure it out eventually I guess lol, take care. ♥ Jay

okokok I swear I'm not dead it's just... a lot harder to make a coherent website than I remember. And the little voice in my head telling me I'm being cringe by doing things like listing my favorite bands isn't helping. But despite my cringe, I am free and I am going to make this freedom everyone else's problem.

It took literally forever but I finally got the motivation to photograph all of my Pokemon plushies. Oh, you don't see them yet? I... I haven't actually made the pages of photos yet. I spent the past two hours or so making new Blingees and figuring out how to make the little Pokemon sprites I put in the Collections page bounce when you mouse over them. IT WORKS NOW! I AM VERY PROUD OF MYSELF! It took an incredibly long time to figure that one out.

I know my next order of business should be to make those aforementioned photo pages but I'm really frustrated because I don't know what to do with my index page. I'm awfully bad at introductions, especially in a place like this. I don't know what information a casual viewer of this website would want to know about me, and if I were to just go under the assumption I'm making this myself well then what's the point of an introduction at all? Also, how is the main page different than the 'about me' tab?!

WHAT DO PEOPLE PUT ON INDEX PAGES?! I see a lot of 'welcome to my site:)' things but that... it feels... I don't know. I think maybe I need more graphics?

Do I draw the graphics myself, since I'm supposed to be an artist? Or do I stick with surfing old web forums and archives to find stuff? Is that art theft?! Would my art style clash badly with the vibe of the rest of the site? I guess I should use like, vibrant colors and stick to the site's pallet..? Web design is hard I don't know why anyone would want to do this for a career. Also if I have to fiddle with the spacing of elements one (1) more time I may snap, quite frankly. You would not believe the sigh of relief I let out when the Pokemon sprites were properly spaced from the get-go. God...

I've been rubber duck coding to my friend Kaylin and my stuffed stegosaurus, Samuel. They've both been very helpful. I'm going to the local arcade with my girlfriend and our two other friends on a double date tomorrow which is fun. I wish I had more time to work on this site, but between marching band practice and work I'm... quite exhausted all the time.

God I hope I can get this site in functioning order soon. Love you! ♥ Jay

TIME TO REPURPOSE MY WEBSITE! A lot has happened in over a year. I did in fact, get a job and over 4000$. And do you know what that means?

That's right, its time to spend absurd amounts of money on stuffed animals!

I've decided to try and turn this into a nifty little site to document my collection of Pokemon plushes. Luckily I already have the framework for an art gallery somewhere in The Veemo Website (formerly known as The Woomy Website)... Agh, it's so tedious. I wish I spent all this time learning how to be more efficient at this but as it turns out working 5 days a week to earn money for surgery takes a lot of free time away. Who knew?

A work in progress I guess. ♥ Jay

Alright gamers, as of today I'm going to be putting updates about the website and my life here! Yes this is the same day I put an update tab on The Woomy Kingdom Website... that is simply Not The Point! Today I also added the final Blingee to the 'about' page (for now, hehe), and made various edits to the style.css sheet. My code is really messy. :/ I added a guestbook though! That's neat, right? ^^

Anyway I'm doing... a Lot to try to get money for my surgery; I'm nonbinary and I've been struggling with dysphoria since I was 10 and I am in Agony. I opened art commissions which is spicy and I'm trying to get a job and I'm doing all those 'survey for cash' things online. I'm not sure how I'm gonna get 4000 dollars but maybe the sheer determination I have will be enough to convince my parents :)

That's all for today, love you ♥ Jay